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Gemini New Moon


A new moon 30 day cycle begins June 6th in Gemini. A lot of planets in Gemini for this New Moon makes Gemini energies really pop! As Sheryl Crow sings, "A change will do you good."

The Moon, the Sun and Venus are together at the same degree and Jupiter and Mercury are together close behind. Social and vocal. Mind expansion. Think bigger and take in more. Expand your mental capacity and capabilities. Read, watch and learn new things or play games that stimulate your brain. Tell or teach others what you're learning. Engage your curiosity.

Light and airy vibe.

Take notice how you nurture your relationships and how you communicate with your partner, others. Speak your truth.

Enjoy staying local, explore your surroundings in new ways to new locations and doing a variety of things. Having many choices. Go a little further on your neighborhood walk or bike ride.

Nurture yourself and your well being with positive and optimistic mind talk.

Take stock of your values. Values change throughout our lives as we grow older. Changing our beliefs. Maybe some things don't hold so true for you as it did in the past. Or you find from your investigations that something is not true and you have to accept and think differently now.

There can be a noticeably over expanding use in themes of communication. Emails, texts, calls, replies, social media. A great deal sharing information and of mental stimuli. Overactive mind.

Square to Saturn

Blocks and challenges require us to step up to the plate and engage Gemini's capacity to shift, switch, pivot and change. Using discipline to change how we do things or used to do things. Doing things in a new way that can be challenging at first, but we get used to them over time as it can change our lives in the long run. You could have to make a sacrifice for this new way. It supports spiritual growth.

Making responsible, mature decisions. Disciplining how we think, that is something that we can have control over. Setting and enforcing boundaries in themes around communicating. Or someone crossed them, maybe from your past, and now you have to speak up. This may also be stopping or ending communication with someone as you engage in realization of your self-worth and and self-respect and exercise it.

New Moon balance.

Find some time to meditate, enjoy nature. Tell the truth. Teach. Pause for a moment. Step out and seek for a higher broader viewpoint. Move mental energy by playing a sport or being active.

Have a good Journey!


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