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Frankenstein is Aquarius


Frankenstein, a true classic in literature, the novel written by Mary Shelley was published in 1818. Something sparked in me the other day about the connection of Frankenstein with Aquarius so I had to dig in and investigate. Glad I did! There are a lot of themes connected to Aquarius in this novel so I wanted to talk about it to help you learn about the Astrological themes that relate to the sign of Aquarius and Uranus. Let’s dive in with a big monster roar and reaching hands!

Groups and Friends

Mary was together with a small group of friends and a challenge was put forth to write a scary story. They were like minded friends with similar interests and talents in literature. Out of this group challenge came Frankenstein. The story itself is in the genre of Sci-fi, another Aquarian theme.


Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the monster was a genius, a “mad scientist” you could certainly say. This doctor patched up different body parts to make a living being, a body that was previously dead. What the doctor had done was an advancement in science, a scientific breakthrough and uncharted territory (Aquarius).


Not only was it electricity that brought life to the creature but a lightning bolt. Aquarius is connected with these as Aquarian energy can be “shocking” or you can have big “ah-haa’ moments of awakening like in a flash out of nowhere, like a bolt of lightning. The creature became awake from the charge of electricity from a bolt of lightning.

Many parts working together

Frankenstein, the monster as we think of him, was put together with different body parts and they all worked as one being. Frankenstein is also slang for pulling different elements together to make something new and modified. (Did you know that Eddie Van Halen’s famous red white and black striped guitar was called Frankenstein! Electricity is a key element that runs through it to make it work, obviously as an ELECTRIC guitar.

AND Eddie….. you guessed it, was an Aquarian! Check out my post on Eddie.


The original title of this classic book was “Frankenstein:The Modern Prometheus.” In Greek mythology, Prometheus stole a fire from the gods and brought it to mankind so that humanity may be illuminated. He was rebellious and had to be very smart and inventive to steal this fire but there were also consequences for doing what he did. This Greek god is associated with Aquarius in this way, as well as Uranus (Ouranos), whose sperm gave life to goddesses of Vengeance as well as the beautiful Venus.

The creature was given life (light) from this intelligent doctor, vengeance soon followed. Prometheus was banished and punished like Frankenstein as well as his creator that of Dr. Frankenstein.

Chiron is also a part of this myth as it was Chiron who saved Prometheus. The monster was abandoned by the doctor because of how he looked, that is exactly what happened to Chiron. In turn, a major inner and emotional wound that put the creature into being vengeful and murderous. Further still Chiron, as we call him “The Wounded Healer” in Astrology, the wound, The Shadow, what we feel ashamed of, what does not want to be looked at, acknowledged or feared, the dark. The monster can be a projection of Dr. Frankenstein’s shadow or dark side from which he does not accept and runs away from. The doctor tracked the monster to the North Pole where it is never dark, the Sun is always visible. Isn’t it strange that while bringing the shadow to light, The Sun consistently shines here, yet consistently, still casts a shadow? Tracking the monster down took courage, as it takes courage to face one’s own shadow elements or to even become aware of them.

The Black Sheep

Although Aquarius is about groups and friends, it can also be rebellious and outside the box as well. What Dr. Frankenstein was doing was experimental, not mainstream and he was determinedly inventive in the process. The monster was “wired” differently.

Not only was Victor Frankenstein an outcast of the science community for what he had done, but his creature was outcast and seen as different as well, he was horrifying to look at, hideous. The creature felt alone, wanted to fit in, he wanted a friend and companionship, he did have a heart, he was “human.” He was labeled as a monster from society right from the get go and all monsters are bad in society's eyes.


Dr. Frankenstein’s loved one’s, friends, people close to him were killed by or had to do with the monster, they were removed from his life in a shock. Uranus is known to remove people, things and attachments in our lives in a flash for the better of us, even though it may seem dreadfully horrible, a crisis or produce trauma in the moment of removal.

Cold, Distant and Isolated

The story starts with a lonely venture to the North Pole into uncharted territory and new discovery, an expedition. The doctor had to distance himself from his creation. Dr. Frankenstein both escapes society. Then tracking the monster to a distant cold land where they both die.


This is very much linked to Aquarius through artificial intelligence and connected to how A.I. is for us today. It is a new technology in society. It’s highly intelligent and could get crazy out of hand and deadly if not contained or kept within a certain boundary just like Frankenstein. There can be consequences without proper forethought. The monster is also artificially human in a way.


Aquarius is more intellectual. Dr. Frankenstein had used freedom of thought to go beyond what was possible in science and conventional thinking. There is also a freedom that comes with the genre of Science Fiction in that anything is possible, there’s freedom to write whatever one wishes, you make your own rules.

Aquarius/Leo Axis

One of my favorite movies is Young Frankenstein with Gene Wilder, a great classic comedy. What I like, and what comes to mind in relating this to Astrology is, that in this movie Frankenstein has a talent, and with it he is shown on display and in the spotlight that yes he can be a part of society, don’tchya love’m! Putin’ On The Ritz!

Opposite Aquarius on the Zodiac is Leo on the Zodiac. Opposites are best when working together, applying one to the other or combining energies to fully realize the power of the axis. Here in the movie, Frankenstein uses Leo, being in the spotlight, a star on the stage, wanting to be loved and getting attention while also Aquarius, being an outsider, wanting to be a part of society, being useful in the community. His talents and marvel can be a wonder for society not a horror and he can play a special role in the scientific and entertaining community, loved just for who he is and although weird and ugly, accepted and useful. The Aquarius/Leo axis is also about making dreams real, from an idea and thought to doing and creating it.

Author Mary Shelley's birth chart (if correct) with the transits of the day Frankenstein was published on the outside.

Mary’s Astrology

She has Uranus conjunct her Sun!

I find it very interesting that Mary was a Virgo, a sign, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and writing as well as the topic of the body and body parts having to do with this sign. I also find it interesting that she put out this book anonymously at the time.

Black Moon Lilith is in Aquarius in the 9th House. 

Pluto also in Aquarius opposes her Sun and Uranus.

The transits for her in the 2 years from 1816 to 1818, the time of which she wrote Frankenstein and had it published are also very connected here:

Uranus square Uranus and The Sun 

Jupiter conjuncts and transits Neptune in the 5th House

She’s having her Nodal Return

Pluto, Chiron and Saturn transit her 10th House in Pisces ruled by Aquarius.

Uranus transits her 6th House Sagittarius.

Have you read it?

This was a fun deep dive!

Have a good Journey,


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