Energies of the Libra Solar Eclipse.
The theme of this eclipse is heavily powerful on the themes of relationships, communication and the past. The Sun and Moon align in the sign of Libra along with the South Node of the Moon, Mercury and Black Moon Lilith are all together. The planetary ruler of this eclipse is Venus in the transforming sign of Scorpio. This “Ring of Fire” eclipse can usher in sizzling powerful shifts. An end of a cycle for the start of another. As an end of a chapter finishes, a new one begins. Endings and beginnings can take form in so many ways, not just as break ups and new partners, we can end and begin in how we are in new ways, we can let go of old ways for new ways of being as well that can transform how we are in relationships and the relationships we are in have a potential for change dramatically as a whole for the better in some way or another.
Internal Conversation
How is your mental conversation you have in regards to relationships? "What will they think of me?" We do have the choice, especially in matters concerning difficult relationships (past or present), to understand how much energy we are still giving somebody mentally in our heads, how much power we're letting another have over us in our mind. There are choices that we can make to recognize these thoughts and mental behaviors and inner conversations and yet choose to recognize and let go. That can be your response, to recognize and let go, rather than reacting and acting out towards another. This is empowerment.
In another direction, our attention can be on the great aspects of someone, on loving thoughts with good intentions for them in a powerful way. When we hold space as love and acceptance, we nurture people in a special way, and our relationships to them can expand.
The thought processes we have can be more focused on another. Our mental attention can be more focused on a partner. How much energy and attention are we giving another? Too much? Not enough? Communication between people can help with that. Go from mental to actual. Loving, bonding, deep communication can most certainly be activated. Do I need to listen more or, do I need to open up and talk more. Let's take notice of how things may be unbalanced.
Are the connections you have with another supportive for you and positive for your growth in a consciously healthy way? Do they bring out the best in you? Can you accept another as they are?
How open can we be to allow one's vulnerability to be noticed and accepted and to listen? To say and be "This is who I am" takes trust, closeness and love. Here is where the depth is and intimacy. Here is where the closeness deepens and the love grows from. Communication helps us know another, another's needs, another's desires. What are things we don't let out or are ashamed of? Why? We ARE capable of accepting others' "flaws" or human-ness, as I like to say, and we are capable of choosing what we allow to continue in our lives when it comes to a relationship and the behavior of another. In order to be able to accept another like that, we have to be that way for ourselves and that takes constant inner awareness and inner work.
Even our own emotions, disdain, or hatred, can be triggered by another and these can be flags for our own teachings, our own flaws and lessons of acceptance and self-love. They can pop up as ah-haa moments of darkness from our own unconscious.
As we authentically open, people either accept and grow together with you for a moment, a time, or for many many years, or they just reside in the periphery, or further even, fall away completely. People are meant for us at certain times of our life for certain reasons. Are we accepting or still in resistance to what has happened in our past with someone? Memories can be wonderful, felt deeply. They can also be filled with trauma, debilitating fear and filled with hate. We can choose to compassionately love and let go, give thanks, feel a special gratitude for the time spent or for the lessons and even in the process forgive ourselves if that's what's needed. There is far more at work within the Cosmos when it comes to attractions and the connections we make. Whether we know it or not, people we have relationships with are meant for us in some way, in some capacity beyond your present knowing.
Relationships come in all types, romantic or otherwise. We engage and connect with people in so many ways, we are social beings. We can broaden our view of what a relationship can be in its many forms. Perhaps you find yourself lining up into old patterns within relationships or the kinds of relationships you have or the kinds of people you partner with. There are new ways of being in relationships and we can show up in relationships in new ways that we haven't been able to do in the past. Relationships can transform us and we can be transformed for present and future connections.
Past Childhood Events and Conditioning
Because how your mother and/or father, or caretaker, reacted to each other, to a lover, or you in a certain way, it can be something that became deeply ingrained in you, traumatic or not. Now you can be taking notice or are choosing to notice these engrained reactions, behaviors, beliefs, or views. Is it healthy for you now? Does this need healing? Do you get comfort from these behavior patterns as a result, or know no other way to be? You may be reacting and acting from old security patterns that have run their use yet you’re clinging to them. Relationships themselves can be felt and needed as a security in some form. Codependency, people pleasing, keeping the peace and accommodating behaviors can be more present as part of these security patterns, and they can also be present to show you what needs to be adjusted for a more balanced relationship if so.
The past, making the effort to heal the past, is a strong element in this planetary set up, whether it be from a past relationship or a childhood happening or situation that has played a part in your present behavior, can be a theme that is asking for attention now. We are all conditioned by our past in some way, some of those behaviors, securities, expectations, values and such, serve no purpose as we grow older, some we keep that are worthy and good for us and we can continue to add on as we grow, or we gain new ones as we tap into our own ways of being.
All of our past relationships, good, loving, bad, toxic, challenging, wondrous and magical have played a part in shaping us each. What have we learned from them? What have we learned about ourselves in the process? Are we blaming another or taking mature responsibility? Are we a victim or are we returning to claim our own power? Is there a part of us that can forgive so that we can release and let go of old baggage that's not in any way helping our growth and forward momentum? Do we fall into old relationship patterns? Or do we grow into new ways, those ways may be scary to you at first. How do we show up in relationships? Are we open to doing it differently than we have in the past?
Take time to recognize your past partners especially, and intentionally thank them for their part. As you tap into the power of unconditionally loving them, you tap into that for yourself as well. There is so much we can not see unless we are many years past and can have a compassionate objective view. There takes a certain maturity and understanding from experience. Maybe there's something you have to accept and take responsibility for in order to move on. This is a love power that can heal and be used as a part to accept and let go, to clear the way for what can be to come.
Past people you've had relationships with, friends, lovers, business partners and even karmic partners can be emerging back into your life in some way at this time, even just mentally, as a reminder of a lesson or as a signal for growth or as a connection to be resolved or done over or to transform with or through. Fated, familiar and magnetic, soul connections have roots far far further back in ways we can not comprehend. They have their pathways to play out, to re-do, to return to, to resolve, to grow from and transform through, in powerful ways and in all the ways relationships can possibly be. They are, and have been, on a trajectory all their own for some time. Powerful relationships turn up in our lives as a romantic partners, sexual instances, a friendship, parent, family member, pet, a moment with a person you meet only once, or otherwise.
This would also be a good time to take responsibility for yourself and perhaps the relationship you may be in to use therapy, or couples therapy, to hone in on issues of your past in regard to relationships and old patterns and why this energy is seeking attention and healing from. It takes self action and choice to be able to do that coming from a place of your own self-love that encourages personal growth. And as always, talking directly to the people you're involved with helps for healthier involvement, co-participation and understanding for new levels of relationship.
The Relationship with Yourself
Although Libra energy of relationships is more "other" oriented, this Solar Eclipse wants you to go deeper into yourself and the relationship you also have with yourself. Bring attention back into yourself. There is transformation in this realm. And that "other," is also you, like how a mirror reflects. When we take the initiative to transform from within and investigate and ask why, we grow from the inside, we use our own medicine. Then we can show up in new ways, we attract in new ways.
Sometimes we don't take the initiative and transformation happens all of a sudden, a fated happening with another changes your life forever.
All of this, in all these relationship matters, and our past, carry with them tremendous deep emotions. Some of us can easily feel (or not) and move on, others can't so easily, or we feel but don't express, there can be a build up, a holding dam of emotional residue, still stagnant waiting with pressure. Go easy on yourself. Maybe you can be thankful for the energy this dam has produced and played a part in your life and its purpose. Maybe you built this mental dam to hold these energies, maybe someone else built that dam for you. This familiar, safe, dam. Whether it be beautiful and warm, or mucky, gross and unhealthy, you got used to all that.
Pull the stops. Allow, feel, and purify through emotions like flowing water through the bends and falls of a river. In with a plunge and out with a swirl as a bigger current takes you gasping for air. Lift yourself up when the moment is right. Dry yourself off on the upcoming bank, lay eyes on the rainbow in the mist behind you. You just came from there. With gratitude.