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New Moon May 7, 2024


from Cafe Astrology

With this New Moon there’s great energy and emphasis in the sign of Taurus. This conjunction of the Sun and The Moon are happening in the sign of Taurus but we also have a lot more supporting and accentuating the Tauran theme as these two luminaries are also together with Jupiter and Uranus as well as Venus. It’s a power huddle. And this power huddle is for you.

Think about a huddle. A team, together, bowed into a center, arms over each others shoulders, pep talking, encouraging. It’s an inward, supportive energy. These are your own energies coming together to reinforce the importance of the relationship you have to yourself, the support of it, the reminder of nurturing it, lifting it up and giving it the vital energy it is meant to have. It’s about building and maintaining this inner relationship that can and will be used as a base, a solid grounding foundation for moving forward. It’s a beginning energy as a New Moon. 

This has a more self oriented vibe. Getting my own needs met. We’re corralling the energies of self-love, independence, abundance, pleasure, patience, resources. How do I handle excessiveness? Saturn is supporting temperance and reeling things in some. Saturn says to “put work into manifesting the dream, I want to see that, you will be rewarded.”  

Mars in Aries supports movement, action, doing, going for it. How can I use that energy for manifesting solid and tangible things? It can be the energy needed to pull out of ruts with effort. Uranus can shock and surprise us into having to shift and move and use Mars energy. There can be unconventional paths to take. This can be raising the bar on not only the relationship to myself, or wherever this placement in your chart is, but also to raise the bar on my path of Individualization. 

Standing up for myself in how I am authentically is also supported by Mercury in Aries conjunct the North Node. How uncomfortable that can be for some people. Here is also a place that pulls in inner language that can positively support my internal talk. It supports pulling in information that can give me courage for my self improvement, or in whatever interests may be in the House that this is transiting. How can I communicate my feelings of anger, to use my words to speak up for another, to express my sexual needs, to take an initiative stance and speak my opinion or lead? Or do I have to be careful about running my mouth off too quickly, interrupting, not listening to others, taking up too much of the conversation, forcing my opinion aggressively or being pushy verbally, blasting out in anger? 

This is putting energy into the things that need to be done in my immediate environment. What can I do right now? I’m going to have to be cautious of what I say as it may come out impulsively or I might want to take something back that I had said to someone. Fast mental activity. When my mind riles too quickly, being out in Nature can be a good balance technique.

Chiron “The Wounded Healer” is also together with Mercury and the North Node in Aries (not seen in the chart above) that wants me to initiate the effort to look into any personal wounds or issues related to Masculine themes; initiating, doing, my identity, men in generally or in my immediate environment, masculinity, anger issues, sexuality. Read about issues, communicate about them, activate the process of any healing that needs to be done, do the research, get help on, talk about.

With Pluto just turning retrograde, it is more of an inward turn. Or things come up that have to be redone. Something that you thought was no longer comes back that you have to face and deal with. It wants to go deep to understand, to dredge, to investigate, to cut and release, to transform something. I may find a deep issue or old obsession that had been dormant that comes back into play. It’s asking me to either let go, do it differently, integrate or transform whatever that is. I can be holding on too tightly to a pattern, or habit, or way of being which is calling for attention. There’s a lot of support here for changing what has always been. An excessiveness of some sort can have us reassess or actions promoting better self-care. Where is Pluto transiting in your chart? There’s a preparation here, a last call before the boat sails on. Not everything can come along.

Have a good Journey!


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