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New Moon in Virgo 2024


Image from Cafe Astrology

New Moon in Virgo

Sept 2, 2024

11 degree

The Moon starts its new Journey from the Sun connecting in the sign of Virgo, two as one, the magical, synchronistic duo at the 11th degree of Virgo together as 11:11.

It is no surprise that Labor Day (celebrated in America) is in Virgo, a sign that is very much connected to work. Virgo is associated with The Bee. The Spider. Labor, representing the work we do and daily effort, and the necessary break from it as it’s a day in which most people have the day off in America. It recognises the work, job, career we do and respects it with a day of rest. 

This New Moon energy has much strength in the themes of relationships as not only are the Sun and Moon together, but they oppose Saturn, Mars is in aspect to Venus, there’s also an opposition to Venus with Neptune while Venus is in the sign of relationships Libra.

What kinds of healthy self improvement, physically and mentally, can I initiate that will raise the bar for myself in a way that lends for taking my own responsibility that lends to me progressively to be a better partner or to be better in accepting another as they are, being compassionate to how another is. I take care of myself, so that I may be more present for another in new ways, so that I may understand my own “imperfections,” accept them, have self comparison for and improve upon them in a way that helps me accept another as they are without criticism, to accept with love. In so doing, I take responsibility to raise the bar in the relationships that I have.

Difficult conversations may instigate or spark these types of actions but for the better.  Communication plays a big role in the energy now. Speak up. Speak your truth, you have a right to your own expression and how others receive you is out of your control.

We may find that we have an urge to escape responsibility or even fantasize or have rose colored glasses about some aspect of a relationship or perhaps we’re dealing with things that take us away from being present within relationships or perhaps what is being mentioned is how what we’re noticing in a partner or someone close to us.

Remember, relationships are of many many kinds, not just to your mate, romantic lover or spouse. There are many ways of interaction to consider. Also most importantly is the relationship we have to ourselves. And when we take responsibility or make self improvements, it has an effect on the people around us. Self-care IS relationship care.

Virgo is also connected with the idea of "preparing" to be in or "initiating" into, relationship.

Pluto is dipping into Capricorn now for one last go before leaving the sign and starting anew in Aquarius come Nov. Uranus also changes direction so there can be things that news to be taken care of and let go of for good. Time to tie up loose ends, put away, put to bed, close, finish. Removal, loss, and endings can clear the way and empty for something new. Old ways of doing things, old structures (physically or mentally) or old beliefs that are not in accord to your highest self can be released. Many things can feel out of our control. You can either resist or accept, but you do have a choice to take responsibility for how you respond to the losses, endings or sharp changes.

Along with the sacred powerful synchronistic 11/11 activation with New Moon energy with this chart is to set intentions for manifesting things that are meaningful to you, more of what you value in your life, your dreams and ideals, create from the abundance of your mind into reality these things. Take a moment to ground yourself, feel what it's like to already be or have or done what it is you wish and then take practical steps in being the change you are imagining, already stepping into and through a new threshold or daily life practice.

Have a good Journey!


Here is a song of mine to share in relation to this,

"11:11" on

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