July 5th, 2024
The wonderful secure containment of Cancer. Retracting, turning inward, nesting, privacy. Cancer is home, family, our roots, The Mother, Feminine energy, nurturing, caring, feeling, emotional, warm. It’s also our private personal real unshelled selves. This New Moon carries forward a lot of emotional feeling Water energy and the dynamics of the themes mentioned are what’s active in this lunation cycle.
New Moons are seedlings and in Cancer comes with it an inner self discipline (if we choose) to help move us forward for this Moon’s journey. That is Saturn energy, this inner parent, a beginning of a new inner structure, along with help from Mars in Taurus, this kind of self initiative can have tremendous effects in the long run. Or perhaps you rely on an outer source or authority to set you on such a path. Venus incorporates this as part of our self care and with the Nodes of the Moon, your future depends on it. Perhaps you had some sort of self discipline plan in the recent past, now would be a good time to reassess and or implement new disciplines.
Squaring the Nodes of The Moon
Again with the Nodes of the Moon the energy is more focused towards oneself this time.
Here we have a decision or change to be made that aims us from our past, our usual, our habits, our known, our safety, any codependencies, towards the future of what is unknown, towards ones own desires, what do I feel, what moves me emotionally with a fiery passion, all for better for our own direction, self sustaining independence.
Start, move, go, do, initiate towards this direction but with help of the Cancer themes.
What can I do for myself? The changes and betterments for my own self ultimately reflect out and has an impact on others, especially here in regards to our personal one on one relationships to another AND especially relationships with family members. Love spoken in its many ways can be deeply felt. Deep conversations given the safe space of the nest can be a path of growth. Commonly we hear for Cancer is to learn to take care of oneself first in order to be able to take care of another. Too much “other” can lead to a depleted energy of one's own. Cancer energy is instinctual to care and feel for another.
There’s that moment when a momma bird, instead of smothering and offering complete safety and security, gives way to the little one’s own independence. A bit of fear and worry on the parental side as well as fear of the independent that aims to the unknown of what lies beyond the comfort and care of the nest. OR from Pluto’s energy perhaps, you get kicked out of the comfort of the nest.
Furthermore, that seedling spoken of previously, of whatever that may be for you that’s within your innermost being, needs nourishment and protection in order to grow and that is something that you can do for yourself. Feed it good things, give it the essential water it needs. Outer authorities can do that for you and you can follow in line to someone else's structure or you can abide within your own, mentally. Our minds have great malleable capacities. Do it consistently, begin a new habit that over time becomes natural. Read into and investigate these sorts of powers and put them into disciplined action. These sorts of things change our character. Some people wont like that, some will benefit greatly and you may attract better in life. This can be an inner transformation put into action. The Phoenix built its own nest and lit its own funeral pyre. The flames of Aries with Libra’s air, promote a dramatic image for what can be our own self discipline on aspects of ourselves and the things we create from ourselves into reality. A fiery relentless passion and desire pushes us forward into the unknown out of a shell.
I can hear the emotional bouts of resistance. Cancer with the Moon here, along with other planetary aspects is very emotional. Most every one’s Inner Child rages and cries with changes. Our Outer Self can do that too. This is more of a private inner experience. Feel. Accept. Act.
Your soul knows what’s good for you. It begins anew.
Have a good Journey,