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Well Hello Scorpi-oh or The Big “O” in Scorpio


Updated: Oct 31, 2024

Scorpio image, a carved pumpkin with a scorpian.

Our inner selves, or “darkness,” sexual union and intimacy.

The spookies, the blood, the dark, the dead. The scary Halloween season. The veil between worlds, between the living and the dead, the human and spiritual world is thinner. A revealing see-through sheer, an “almost’ness.”

Scorpio is associated with Pluto, and also Mars as well. Pluto, the energy of death and rebirth, transformation, depth, the Underworld, our familiar securities, our unconscious patterns and so much more. Mars, our impulsive, willful, acting agency, The Warrior, anger and oh are only some of this planet's energy traits.

All things taboo, the scary, behind closed doors, the hidden, kept in the dark, what’s mysterious, kept in secret, and private, beneath the surface, “under the sheets” can be part of a Scorpio vibe. That can be many things in our lives, sex falls into that category in the collective, along with our own inner depths, as well as the darkness we all carry within, from unconsciousness to consciousness, there is the realm of psychological depth that can weave these aspects of ourselves into the light to be integrated in a healthy way like a transmutation. Psychology too, is Scorpio energy, in relation to Pluto.


From the kitchen at home in the late hours, from a quick impulsive, nocturnal urge of desire, we leave to run into the field at night, into the engulfing seductive darkness, remove all our clothes to reveal all of ourselves bare in the cool air, and become hypnotically, intimately, passionate in the vines with fiery fervor for an ecstatic magical union that engages the “La Petite Mort,” the “tiny death,” a moment of pure union felt in orgasm, the sense of being individual egos falls away, briefly in union... Hello Scorpio-ohhhh. It leaves us only breathing heavily, watching the air from our lips rise and evaporate towards the starry sky and just silently, .. we lay, presently.. listening to the night…

We’ll return with a harvested voluptuous “gourd”-geous pumpkin that attracts us like we attract each other. A fantastic appealing pumpkin. We chose this particular pumpkin. Shining, firm, heavy, dense, plump.

Let’s take a sharp knife to this pumpkin together. Cut its top off. 

What was dark, now light has been brought to. The insides become revealed. This outside appealing pumpkin has unappealing inner guts, gross, slimy, sticky, stringy, and some seeds that no one wants to take a look at and see, not even me.

Let’s take a spoon. Here now we scrape the insides and we grab what's been dormant in there enclosed in darkness and pull it out the mess. Now we look at it in the light and investigate each handful, and discriminate by plucking out some seeds to throw away and keep some good healthy seeds to save. Then we feel deeply into this slippery cold handful for any more seeds that are not as easy to get.

It takes some deliberate work. Little by little we go further into its center and down to the bottom and gut this pumpkin out, and scrape it free from all that was kept inside.

A scary image gets carved into the pumpkin. We give that pumpkin a face, something we can see, something to represent the scary, something we can face with new acceptance with an objective view. 

Then, .. we light a candle and bring light into it. It illuminates from within.  New life is brought into this pumpkin and it’s less scary this pumpkin now, it’s less frightening this caricature. In the darkness it glows. The pumpkin is transformed into a lantern. It helps you see in the dark. Like a gargoyle it’s meant to scare and protect but also to go past it, beyond the fear similarly as in between the dogs of The Moon tarot card. The darkness becomes less scary and this pumpkin’s goofy face is relatable, noticed, given light.

The pumpkin itself has its own bounty, these plump edible seeds. And in true Scorpio fashion we transform these seeds with heat by putting them into the fire. We bake them so that they may be more delicious and edible. As we eat and take in these seeds, or anything that we eat, it goes through a process, we further transform the pumpkin seed into food by which we extract the nutrients and leave the rest. It becomes part of us. The pumpkin seed becomes human, as part of the human being, merged and transformed.

To understand one’s own depths can take some deep thinking and inner investigation, it can be helpful to do this with a psychologist or a therapist. “Shadow work” as it’s known, plays a part in taking responsibility for how you are by having a good look at the parts of yourself that have been unconscious, in the dark, repetitive behavior patterns, things you don’t show or even care to like about yourself or don’t reveal into the light of consciousness. The point is to become whole in accepting who you are as a whole person. Pluto energy diggs up, dredges and brings things to the surface that need to be seen or brought to light. Intimacy is being close to open and share together.


Indeed the sexual passion as a merging of two along with the emotional depth that intertwines both involved contribute to an energy that becomes more than the two individually. In fact, it can cancel each other out as a merging with not only each other, but as a feeling of merging with source via the experience of pleasure with another. Beautiful. Sex can be a vehicle to the Divine some may say. We lose ourselves as we engage in its present moment. 

There is also the sexual energy itself that we all experience. How is that being used or not? Do we suppress or allow, why? What role does religion play in how we engage with that energy? Have we been shamed in our past? Who are we choosing to share that energy with? Maybe more can be done with that creative sexual energy than the act of sex itself. 

While sexual behavior with another can be seen as an intimate activity, it is, it can also at the same time, just be on the surface as a need, it can be more self oriented, less involving the emotional connection, a pleasure act in itself,  and more physical action oriented experience (Mars style intimacy perhaps in a way). 

Sharing with another in a personal, deeper, emotional way is intimacy too (Pluto style deeper emotional intimacy perhaps). It requires being vulnerable but in a safe environment with a trusted other. Care and love go deeper here. Acceptance. There’s a certain trust in sexual intimacy in this way. Neither is better, right or wrong or good or bad. Both of these ways have their place in life and play a role in our connections with others and with ourselves. Also while not leaving it out, sex can be experienced in many many forms more than one can imagine, and can be darker, painful, unwanted and used in ways that are horrible. Let’s also make the point that one person’s pleasure or desire may not be the same as another's.

You don’t need to be a Scorpio to engage with any of these activities high or low or in between, as we grow older we all have sex (most of us) as it is a natural human element and desire, but we ALL come from sex. How grateful that we enter consciousness through this intense feeling act. Nature and Creation. Sacred Sex. Life Giving. But also to enjoy pleasure and another as part of our human-ness.

Looking inward to understand oneself is a good self-care act, sharing yourself with someone is a continual widening aspect of growth and bonding of human connection and while you may not think too much about your sexuality or sexual behavior, this season is helpful in supporting these sorts of energies as well and also to help you see these sorts of themes come up in your life’s experiences or in others.

Have a good Journey,


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