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Pluto In Aquarius

Updated: Nov 23

Breaking from the past. Removing limitations. Your individual role in society.

This is a huge planetary movement. It is truly the beginning of the Aquarian Age.

Pluto is moving into Aquarius for good on Nov. 19th and will be in this sign till 2044.

At the time of this movement we are in Scorpio season so this is quite poignant. Scorpio the sign of transformation. Pluto, is associated with Scorpio and we’re passing through a threshold (always a transformative juncture) from Capricorn to Aquarius. Uranus, associated with Aquarius, and Pluto are both change makers. Big life changes can be happening in your Fixed signs and those Fixed signs aren't so comfortable with change but require upgrades. At this time the Sun is also opposing Uranus and Saturn moving forward out of a very recent retrograde.

Let's use examples of the past for this feel, different times but similar in it's archetypal theme with powerful Uranus and Aquarius rebellious energies along with Capricorn traditional energy: The America Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence in America, the Punk movement in music, Hippy communities, the dismantling the Berlin Wall, Feminist movements, the mini skirt in the 60's, the invention of the internet.

Shedding the Past

Just like the shedding of the skin of the snake we’re looking at shedding the past, Capricorn Saturn, shedding skins of old ways, shedding old structures of things and long standing traditions and rules. The pushing up against the establishment. Pluto is coming out of Capricorn, ending things, dismantles, brings things up to be removed that no longer serve you on your Evolutionary Journey. Pluto comes in to transform this area of your chart and to allow your particular, individual essence to become what it is meant to be. Things are never the same again with Pluto removals. There is a letting go in transformations. Which Astrology House is this taking place in your birth chart? What parts of your life are being forever changed, transformed, needed to be seen to be let go of or are endings and new beginnings happening in? What had been transforming, changing and restructuring your life in major ways since 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn? These lessons we take forward into Aquarius. We have gained some new resources for our Journey forward.

Aquarius, The Past & The Future Tension

Aquarius has to do with liberation and freedom. There can be issues when we hold on and bury the urges for movement forward. The Ego wants us to be safe, it likes the familiar. Aquarius is also related both to the planets Uranus AND Saturn. A desire to break free as well as the desire to suppress that. A desire to go forward into the future or the effort to keep things the same. Innovate or keep to tradition? Forwards or backwards. The Future or the Past? Non-traditional or traditional? Out of the box or in the box? Detach or attach? Let go or cling? Release or control? Freedom or restrictions? Breakthroughs or limitations. There’s tensions here. You can see how themes of rebellion can bubble up here like a volcano. “Say you want a Revolution? Well you know…” as The Beatles sang. Saturn energy can be used positively as a structure to create from. Think about an artist who goes to school to learn technique and the rules and them after graduating, uses that technique in more of a unique way, that is more individually expressive and purposeful.

Removing Limitations. Breaking Free.

Limitations in our lives come in all sorts and they can feel like impenetrable structures. For many of us structures are self imposed we can be holding ourselves back, or these limitations are felt coming to us from the outside, from others. Old Patriarchal systems, hierarchy, rules and beliefs that were limiting can be collapsing. Long standing ways of how things always have been done fall away, This could be releasing any sort of mental limitations like self doubt or a belief system that you keep believing in that is outdated for you or perhaps some sort of the outside world imposing limitations on you somehow and so wanting to overcoming these things or removing them for your life. You can do this sort of work consciously, but Pluto and Uranian energies seem to take care of these things whether we want them to or not. Radical change ensues.

What's been repressed now gains a breakthrough or freedom from. Not non-traditional ways poke through. Experimental and innovative this is bringing up energy of things that we cling to and do we move forward or don't we which can cause some stress. 

Role in the collective

Individual and other, or the collective co-exist. It’s the me AND the We The People, together.

Here is a support for your unique individuality within a group, community and beyond, what you can bring to it, the particular part you play in the whole of something. This time period and energy is more geared toward our individual purpose and bringing that into society for a societal need. You are purposeful. You can use Saturn energy as momentum for continuously choosing to take responsibility for yourself in structuring and maintaining your individuality and meaningful purpose. 


Get used to expecting the unexpected. This requires a certain detachment and a looser acceptance on who things play out in our lives. We have to learn to release control or be conscious of what we do have control over which is how we think and how we respond. We learn how to lean into the turns and unexpected bumps along the way. Like riding a bike, you got to accept, turn towards and lean into the curves and changes of the path as they come. To have a path forward yes, but to also let go of expectations. To learn to be ok in embracing life as unpredictable and having trust that all things are part of our path forward in growth.

More to consider

Within this time period the technological advances will further skyrocket with speed. With the internet, AI, communications, Science and more experimental energy, there will be more innovative progress. What has only been imagined can come to be real and even the unimaginable can be suddenly happening. Surprise! I can believe that life of some form will be discovered beyond our planet in this time period.

Now though, be aware that for some, moving forward is unsafe and unpredictable. Well, it is. Some people, communities and cultures do not evolve or innovate and hold on very strongly to a way that they’ve always done and been. And some want to go back to the Past or stay with what is and some want to move forward into the Future in a new way. And so, in the world and in communities, these cultures and people and groups can clash. Of course when you claim yourself to be in a group, you are also claiming to be separate from another. There are many people who can cling very tightly, who cling to the identity that a group can represent. Any difference or attack becomes personal. Most of us want to “fit in” and be accepted somewhere, it’s a survival tactic. Some people separate from this all together. Some people understand the global community as a whole and this understanding just may come to be realized within this time period or at least will be the set up for it. Sometimes collective happenings in the world, that affect us all, create that global connectedness of a larger community.


The path of the masterful

yet to be taken

never achieved.

Fruits of contentment

taste bitter and sweet.

The momentum a crossroad is reached

the sight goes beyond

the irritability of excitement.

She stretches out her arm

far and beyond

aligns life force

with the law of one.

The path has to be walked

not taken as solid ground.   


Liberation at sight.

Poetry by Lea Biedermann


Have a good Journey,


I support your unique individuality and I enjoy being a part in that blooming growing direction. Connect with me for a session at

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