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Pluto Goes Direct


The Capricorn mountain goat is standing at the base of a crumbling structure. Pluto leaves the sign of Capricorn.
Pluto leaves Capricorn

On Oct 11th Pluto is gearing to be coming out of retrograde and will be beginning to make its way out of the sign of Capricorn and into Aquarius, for good by November 19th.

Pluto is a force of Evolution. It is transformation, death and rebirth. There’s no going back with Pluto transits, you are never the same again from which Pluto takes you through. From deep depths, it unearths subconsciousness and makes you aware of unconscious habits and ways of being. Pluto can make you aware of your own personal operating system that had been on auto pilot and can “interfere” to make necessary changes and removals for your personal growth, as well as a generational growth, and evolution. 

Pluto is also associated with the Soul, so there are aspects of yourself that you already come into this world with from past lives and there is a continuous conflict in staying in this known way of being from our past or to transform how we are and operate in a new way, transforming old, secure patterns from a previous life to new and unknown ones. We have our own evolution to grow into and fulfill.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 so think back to that time all the way since then. We all have Capricorn somewhere in our birth charts. We all experience or embody this archetype in some way. Where is Capricorn in your birth chart? This is an area of your life that has been under some reconstruction and transformation, it will now be a place where something is done with, for good. In how you are internally or with an outside element that is finishing, coming to a close, left behind. As Pluto approaches Aquarius with momentum, it will be closing something out to prepare for a release and for something new to come in. Things will be more on point to do things differently. Aquarius can be that break out point of,  Power To The People, We The People, and “Don’t you tell me what to do!” More on that when we get into it.

In general, Pluto in Capricorn has been working on how we’ve been conditioned, structural systems, hierarchical systems, traditions, contracts, authorities, how things have always been done, the past, how achievement is done, what your ambitions are, how your role in society is, social identity, social positions and purposes, what has been limiting you, what you’ve been obeying or conforming to, what you've been told to do, what’s been expected of you, outside influences, where you’re responsibilities have been, your personal discipline, what’s been suppressed, the rules you follow, herd state or consensus associations and mentalities, and anything else in that Capricorn realm.

We’ve also had an entire generation born with Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. These people come into this world already with these Capricorn themes and will play them out in their lives as well as the lessons that come with this placement, as what the world needs at this time. They’ve had big ambitions, they’ve been successful, career meant everything, they’ve been responsible, maybe they’ve abused their authority and power for a higher social standing etc. It is also a time for them to transform this pre-programmed operating system by incorporating the Cancer archetype of home, family, roots, warmth, and a personal understanding of their own true individuality, authority and power source. There are lessons dealing with power, authority and discipline involved for them. 

As well with this position of Pluto, are themes having to do with gender association. There are some positions in a birth chart that point to a Soul having been just coming into this lifetime as a different sex than previously encountered. A Soul, genderless, could arrive in different bodies, different sexes, over many lifetimes. These positions in a chart don’t make someone “gay” or necessarily identify as LGBTQ. People’s missions are to be carried out in some way, or lessons are supposed to be learned and experienced and gained, over many lifetimes as, and in, different genders. It is possible that as a Soul, all of us have been different sexes in different lifetimes. What these positions are in an Astrology chart, tell us when a Soul is switching into a different gender than what it previously had been. It can explain a lot of a person’s inner/outer workings, frustrations, possible awkwardness and associations.

Embrace the oncoming travel into and through the gate of Aquarius, there is only so much you can take with you when we arrive into more of a proper Age of Aquarius.

Have a good Journey,


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