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New Moon in Aquarius


Jan 29, 2025

Image from Astrology Cafe
Image from Astrology Cafe

I’m a big Bowie fan. “Ch, ch, ch changes…turn and face the strange, ch, ch changes”

Things are certainly getting strange and weird. This New Moon in Aquarius is emphasizing drastic changes in the communication realms, the rebellion that comes with it and the way things affect entire societies, the masses.

Liberating Information

This can be energy of words of proclamation of some sort of liberating release. This is also words and communication that liberate you in some way or adhere to your inner self as an individual. My individuality is expressed through words and communication. I announce. I state. I liberate myself and others with my voice.

Subconscious Communication

There is subconscious communication happening all the time in our world. You take in so much without even knowing it. Commercials that you see and don’t see make their way to you. You CAN be more conscious with what you see and take it. Body language is subliminal communication. Even flirtatious sexual cues and seduction plays as part of subtle communication of wanting and desire. 

You can also use this to your advantage by putting into place the use of affirmations that can effectively change you from the inside out. Change your passwords to something positive. Put up a sticky note. Write it out every day. Speak it in the morning. Believe it. Repetition sinks deep.

Social Media

The World Wide Web, global communication, A.I. and Higher Intelligence all fall into the realm of Aquarius and take stage with this New Moon. Social media is huge deal now in that the rotation of information swirls and enters our minds ever faster. Some people are leaving long standing platforms, new ones are being created. The social media app Tic Tok came and went and came back again, a massive global community being affected in a quick blink of an eye. Fact checking has been removed from Facebook and anger rises and gets expressed as changes occur. Manipulation of the masses is easy through social media communication as a power. Communication to the masses from powerful people.

Powerful messages. 

This is an energy of a communicative delivery that can be an ending or removal of something. A message can have a powerful impact. Things from the dark can be revealed into the light. This is also having to to with communicating inner parts of ourselves that had been not out in the open, more personal things, things that underline our individuality. We can use this energy to speak powerfully within a group or community, we use our VOICE. We can use our voice and communicate from a place of empowerment or our message can be empowering for others. 

How are we communicating,and using our voice? Are we taking someone down, or being destructive or manipulative with it or are we using it from a place of strength and of personal power? 

Words are powerful and can impact many, communication and social media is powerful and communicates all sorts of things truth or lies, fact or fiction to the masses and FAST. Words get right to the mind and thought, with that it has a positive or negative impact and each of us has a filter for which we take in and digest words, information and communication. Take notice here of your personal power. Take responsibility and understand the impact of what you say. There is active energy in words. 

Can you receive words and communication from an observing point of view like that on a movie screen  being watched and not be as affected by all these things swirling around on this IMAX surround movie screen? How strong are you in yourself that you can let something manipulate you or tell you how to be or think or do? When we know ourselves very well, when we are inner strong and healthy and can be objective, we can make decisions that are in alignment with ourselves. 

It is very very easy with social media, masses of people, communities, friends and the peer pressure to conform to something you are not or you want to fit in and feel wanted and secure within a group and with like minded people.  What are you letting get to you? Do you respect yourself enough to take care of what comes in and is good for you? There are ALLLLLL sorts of people in this world. Only one you. You have the power to choose and decide where to put your attention and what to believe and be that is right for you.

With the changes in the US government and all over the world (Aquarius - “We The People”) has been blowing up as Trump makes sweeping changes that affect millions and ultimately the world. 

Hidden information can come to the surface now too.  It’s time to talk about the deeper stuff. You may see and hear secrets come to the surface. New desires can be revealed and communicated.

How can I raise the bar with my own communication. How can I be more aware of how I take in social and global information in a way that’s not overwhelming or causing my temper to fly. Practice responding and not reacting. This is a good time for intimate communication for sure.

Parts of the Whole

There are big energies for Aquarius and Pisces, both have connections with the masses, big groups and entire populations. They are also connected with ideas and creativity.

Place attention and awareness of your individual role in society. Your voice. You play a part in the entire system of a group, community, society and the world system at large.

Just like members of a band, chorus or symphony, they have their certain role to create a piece of music as a collective whole. Just like a chord with different notes or like each individual sound frequencies that have their place and play a part in what we hear as music. Many parts, one whole.

Pisces Energy Too

Into Pisces there is tremendous compassion and unconditional love that can be accessed which can be useful as things come up to the surface or fall away completely or we change in ways that we just can’t return to. Loss can mean so many things. We can use self understanding, love and compassion to work our way through things like water over a stone over time creating new ways. With much letting go we create space. There’s much we endure mentally in holding onto victim mentalities, past hurts, or relationships that have taken up space in our mental real estate. Sometimes big massive abrupt changes, loss, or crisis pulls people into religion and faith, some people revert to coping mechanisms and addiction, alcohol and all sorts of escapism habits.

Your mind, your ideas and your beliefs create your world. Do be mindful as to what you put your attention on which creates your world. When used correctly, there is huge helpful energy towards your dreams, the things you like and value and setting things in motion for them. Plan with your partner, there's long term energy here beginning for something. Make commitments to others and yourself. Use self discipline and hold to and aim to the things that align with you. Tap into your spirituality. Pause, listen, see, feel, trust.

There is a good deal of letting go and trusting that is ripe to be accessed to push you through and forward. Your uniqueness is meant to be here and now and serve a broader purpose that included everyone and everything in their own special way. Trust that.

The hovering cloud

Of silent sound

Takes hold of me,

Covers me,

Imbued with,

Crystallized decor containing all life’s colorful splendor,

A celestial voice chimes in.

Singing to a chord,

Her lyrics not yet heard,

Harmonics of spheres,

Reaching its destined but merest



Endowed by this momentum,

Flashed with inspiration,

My eardrum set in motion.

Of beings living among and above,




They appear in droves.

Singing to chords, 

Lyrics not yet heard. 

With voices as fine as yarn.

Every tone leads me to the dawn

Of time.

Where human comprehension was nothing but entangled,

Into a heavenly clouded web

Woven of sound, 

The texture of their existence.

Celestial entities

Singing to chords.

Poetess, and dear astro-colleague Lea Biedermann, is an Astrologer and personal life guidance coach living in Germany, connect with her here:

@ biedermann_lea on Instagram

Have a good Journey,


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